Capture the complete patient story naturally and efficiently
Cloud-based HITRUST CSF-certified clinical speech recognition platform for documenting care in the EHR and beyond.
Clinicians, not technology limitations, should dictate the patient story. With Nuance Dragon Medical One AI-powered speech recognition, clinicians use their voice to navigate screens, dictate content and pull EHR data directly into their notes. Whether conducting in-person and virtual consults, clinicians spend less time creating documentation—anytime, anywhere—in the EHR and beyond.

High-quality dictation microphone with mouse functions Boost clinician productivity with Nuance PowerMic III ergonomic control of dictation functions and on-screen field navigation.

Dragon Medical One is all about portability, personalization, access, and compatibility

Single voice profile
Designed for speed, accuracy, and flexibility, Dragon Medical One achieves 99% accuracy from the start with no voice profile training. Cloud-based clinical speech recognition and a single voice profile deliver personalized vocabularies and templates for a familiar, consistent experience across clinical workflows, care settings, apps, and the widest range of devices in the industry.

Portable convenience
PowerMic Mobile turns any workstation into a dictation station and gives clinicians the freedom to document notes using their smartphone as a secure wireless microphone.

Built-in productivity tools
Voice commands limit manual clicking by automating key presses, turning the microphone on and off, and inserting documentation templates or frequently-used text content.

Integrated CAPD
Nuance comprehensive in-workflow CAPD engages physicians at the point of care with a proven methodology for clinical indicators, risk factors, and treatment. Dragon Medical One provides access to its inpatient, outpatient, and specialty care content libraries to help clinicians improve efficiency, avoid rework, and ensure documentation supports appropriate reimbursement and quality.
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